Home » Arrest of State APC Deputy Chairman’s Son over Killing, Kidnapping Vindicates Us – Rivers PDP

Arrest of State APC Deputy Chairman’s Son over Killing, Kidnapping Vindicates Us – Rivers PDP


….Urges Army Not To Sweep Matter Under The Carpet

The Rivers State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, says the confirmed arrest of the son of the State Deputy Chairman of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Mr. Peter Odike, by the Nigerian Army is commendable and goes further to vindicate the PDP’s position that leaders of the opposition party in the State, the APC, cannot deny their link and sponsorship of violence and criminality in the State.

The PDP said the arrest of Mr. Odike’s son did not come to the Party as a shocker, and that his reported confession to the crimes would make it easier and quicker for the process of investigation and prosecution by the Army and the relevant security authorities to be concluded.

The Party commended the courage and decision of the suspect in confirming that he was actively being supported by his father, Peter Odike, the APC Rivers Deputy Chairman, describing the action of the APC leader as unpatriotic, shameful, wicked and serious embarrassment to the State.

The PDP said it’s been made to believe that the security agencies are aware of its consistent alerts on the fact that some APC chieftains are hell-bent on causing violence and creating insecure atmosphere in the State, in addition to the charge on their supporters to take up arms against perceived opponents in the State and outright release from detention of hardened criminals who were being charged in court for killings, kidnapping, armed robbery and cult-related activities during the administration of former Governor Amaechi .

The Party calls on the Army authorities not to sweep this particular arrest of Mr. Odike’s son under the carpet but to ensure that thorough process is followed in bringing him to justice to serve as deterrent to others in the State.

The PDP also appeals to other security agencies to redouble their efforts in tackling insecurity, violence and criminality in the State, as it is aware of the frantic efforts the APC leaders are making, apart from the blackmail, to incite, cause violence, insecurity and declaration of state of emergency in the State.



Jerry Needam
Special Adviser on Media and Publicity
To the Rivers PDP Chairman, Bro Felix Obuah
Friday, May 20, 2016

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