Army charges officers to handle ethno-religious upheavals, terrorism resolutely

The Nigeria Army has ended its 8th leadership development course with a charge to the beneficiaries to
utilise the knowledge they gained to purposefully handle ethno-religious upheavals and increasing terrorism.
The course, “Nigeria Army Leadership Development Seminar 2016 — “Build Smart Strategists and Creative Thinkers in Military’’, was held at the Nigerian Army Finance Corps, Apapa.
The participants, drawn from the army headquarters and other formations and units in the army were senior officers from the rank of Lieutant Colonel and above.
Closing the course held between June 13 and June 17, the Acting Chief of Accounts and Budget (Army), Brig.-Gen. Jahadi Jakko, said the course was designed to enhance their knowledge and skills in carrying out their duties.
“I enjoin you to show improvement in your leadership qualities when you get back to your formations and units. I also enjoin you to remain good ambassadors of the Nigerian Army.
“You must be prepared to face national challenges as officers and better equipped leaders.
“You must remain steadfast in your contributions to national security and the overall good of the country.
“The Nigerian Army places important priority to your cadre of officers,’’ Jakko said, noting that as leaders they must set examples.
He said that trust was the bedrock of leadership and urged them to as leaders in the army to be trustworthy.
“As leaders and commanders, you should show examples, show competence, expertise, sacrifice and courage for the people to have confidence in you.
“You must exhibit good character for the followers to be committed because you have exhibited what you stand for and have focused on it.’’
The Acting Corps Commander, Supply and Transport, Brig.-Gen. Alakassio Jidda, had at the opening noted that leadership development was imperative in view of the nation’s current security challenges.
Jidda said that such challenges manifested in rampant ethno-religious upheavals and increasing wave of terrorism across the country.
“To successfully handle the current challenges, there is the need for purposeful, skilful and dynamic leadership across all the chains of command.
“The selection of the theme was made at the right time given the concern of the government and stakeholders in the nation to creatively apply new tactics to tackle socio-economic problems through dynamic leadership.’’
The course attended by about 40 officers examined such topics as “Improving Decision Making’’, “Brain Power Development and Creating a Developing Mind set’’ and “Fostering a Culture that Nurtures Creativity’’. Also certificates were awarded to the participants.
The army top brass at the closing included brig.-Gen. Bamidele Taiwo, Commandant, Nigerian Army School of Finance and Administration, Brig.-Gen. John Ozigi, Director, Army Finance and Accounts