Home » HEALTH SECURITY: How to Detect Fake Honey

HEALTH SECURITY: How to Detect Fake Honey


Honey is one of the healthiest ingredients you can find, beneficial for treating numerous diseases and health problems.

However, you have to learn the difference between genuine and artificial honey, which is usually sold in supermarkets. We are all fans of buying cheap and healthy, but with honey that is not the case.

You may be even surprised when you learn how expensive natural honey is, but that is actually where all health benefits are.

Cheaper versions of honey may be practical, but it means that this honey has been fabricated. In this process, it has lost some important qualities and its effects are not the same.

According to one public study, carried out by the Food Safety News, almost 76% of all honey brands available have undergone a process called ultra-filtration.

During this filtration the honey wax is removed along with the pollen.

As the manufacturers state, this process is required in order to keep honey from crystallizing and provide prolonged duration. However, pollen is extremely significant when honey is consumed, and brings all nutrients a person needs.

The researchers warn that this honey should be avoided, because without its pollen origin, that is subjected to contamination we wouldn’t be able to tell it origin and quality.

This thing happens with Chinese honey. It is being hugely processed and packed with illegal antibiotics and metals. Furthermore, it was neutralized from all its benefits and sold as such, so the origin is usually unknown..

  • When it comes to artificial honey, it is usually packed with glucose and low-quality mead.


To avoid this, here is how you can detect fake honey:

  • When refrigerated, honey ought to crystalize as a part of a natural process. If this does not happen, the honey is usually altered.
  • Pay attention to labels- everything that states glucose or fructose, do not purchase it.
  • To test your honey you can put a couple of drops of iodine to a glass of water and add honey afterwards. If the honey turns blue, it has a great content of corn starch•Mix water, honey and a few drops of vinegar. If the mixture begins to form foam, the honey has been altered with plaster.
  • To learn if your honey is processed, try to burn it with a match. If it lights up, the honey is nothing but pure.
  • Take a glass of water and put a spoonful of honey in it. If your honey is pure, it should not dissolve. Processed brands and types of honey usually blend with the water which makes them processed.


Source/Reference: www.barenaturaltruth.com

Other included sources linked in Bare Natural Truth’s article: www.foodsafetynews.com — Original Article Source

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