Home » What A Clean Penis Says About Men’s Life By Wale Abideen

What A Clean Penis Says About Men’s Life By Wale Abideen


Human male organ speaks volumes of his health. Some of the health challenges that militate against functional penis have great impact on overall health of a man. So, looking after the penis is as great deal as watching over one’s health. It is however incredible to face with the reality that many male problems don’t require the attention of a medical professional but knowing basic health tips.

Findings show that men can improve their penis’ health by cleaning it properly, steering clear of STIs and trimming it carefully.


The Scrotum: is the stretchy skin that forms a sack for man’s testes. A thin muscle allows the scrotum to contract which occurs in cold conditions to maintain the sperm at a constant temperature.


Epididymis: Behind and above the testes lies the area that stores the sperm made in the testes. Above the testes is a firm tube that carries sperm from the epididymis (via the prostate which lies near the bladder, so it goes a long way) eventually out through the urethra to come out in the hole in the tip of the penis.



How To Clean The Penis

The “knob cheese” that is technically known as smegma, has a particularly vile smell and builds up when the area underneath a foreskin hasn’t been cleaned. This area should be cleaned daily (just pull back) along with the rest of the genitals, bottom and the area in between, called the perineum. It’s good to use a mild soap as these areas can be sensitive.


How To Examine The Scrotum   

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young men. For this reason, every week you should examine each testis in turn between your finger and thumb by rolling the skin over them. The most common symptom is a lump of any size but a visit to a doctor may be required when noticing any new feelings in the scrotal area.

Erectile Dysfunction And Impotence

Erectile dysfunction, or impotence, is unfortunately common from middle age onwards and it’s caused by a narrowing of the blood vessels that pump blood to create and maintain an erection. This narrowing may occur for a number of reasons but high blood pressure, diabetes and smoking are high on the list.

Giving up smoking, maintaining a healthy body weight and undertaking regular exercise reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes.



Protect The Penis From STIs

STIs are invisible and often give no symptoms for many years so a man won’t know if he just passed one on. There is need to always wear a condom.

This significantly reduces the risk of transmitting STIs but they’re nowhere near as effective if they remain unopened in your wallet. There are so many easy ways to get tested for STIs – a simple fingerpick test can detect HIV.


Penis Size Really Doesn’t Matter To Women

Investigations by SECURITY MONITOR show that most men with big penis lack the skill to perform actively on bed. A 2015 survey of women presented with photographs of all types and sizes of penises published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine revealed that penis length was one of the least valued attributes. “Overall cosmetic appearance” came out on top. So no need to worry about whether your penis size is above or below average, just keep it looking good.


Use Penis To Keep Healthy

Make ejaculation part of your daily routine. Here’s why: a large Harvard study of nearly 30,000 men found the risk of prostate cancer was 33 per cent lower in men who’d ejaculated at least 21 times per month, compared to those who ejaculated only 4-7 times per month. This included ejaculations during sex and masturbation. Conclusively, allowing the penis to experience one vagina goes a long way to maintain a healthy life. This is because men with multiple sexual partners are prone to diseases that could affect their health and at the end endanger their lives

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